Information Technology

Information, news and features for the education sector IT professionals

Screenshot of security research identifying API vulnerabilities in Edulog school bus tracking platform

Vulnerabilities in Edulog Portal Revealed Bus Location Data, Parent Logins for 6M Students

Security researchers said this week that API vulnerabilities in the Edulog school bus tracking platform made the names and geolocation data of 6 million student riders available to anyone, and while the vulnerability has been fixed, schools that post their Edulog sign-up code on their websites are still at risk.

IT Spending to Top $5 Trillion in 2024

IT spending worldwide will grow by 8%, reaching $5.1 trillion in 2024. According to a new report from market research firm Gartner, AI is a contributing factor in that growth, but the impacts of generative AI won't be felt until the following year.

Centegix Debuts Safety Platform Uniting Its Emergency Response Tech Solutions

Incident response technology vendor Centegix has launched a new integrated, cloud-based Safety Platform that unites its various school safety solutions and connects with emergency responder partners, the company said in a news release.

a bar graph shows how E-rate applicants are using funds for connectivity in schools and libraries

Annual E-rate Survey Shows Majority of Schools, Libraries Want Cybersecurity Services Added

An overwhelming majority of E-rate applicants want the FCC to include cybersecurity services in the program, according to the 14th annual E-rate Trends Report released today by Funds For Learning.

MHEC Agreement Gives Schools, State Agencies Lower-Cost Access to SAS Viya's AI-Powered Analytics Platform

The Midwestern Higher Education Compact has partnered with AI and data analytics provider SAS to allow state education agencies, K–12 districts, and higher ed institutions across 47 states to access SAS’ Viya unified analytics platform at a significant discount, the organizations announced today at Educause.

Overall Malware Down Slightly in the Quarter, as Double-Extortion Attacks Increase

Overall Malware Down Slightly in the Quarter, as Double-Extortion Attacks Increase

Malware in general declined in the second quarter of 2023, according to a new report, even as double-extortion ransomware grew substantially.

When Does It Make Sense to Move Legacy Technology to the Cloud?

While many districts continue to move to cloud environments due to their collaboration capabilities, scalability, and improved security, sometimes legacy systems can make sense too.

Funds For Learning Unveils Expanded Versions of E-rate Manager Tool for States, Service Providers

E-rate compliance services firm Funds For Learning has expanded its E-rate Manager analytics tool, launching E-rate Manager Advanced and Enterprise versions to help state coordinators and service providers better manage their districts’ E-rate activities, FFL said in a news release.

Bar graph shows education IT survey responses on most common security incidents experienced in past 12 months and percentage of education organizations operating in the cloud, on-premises or hybrid

Compromised On-Premises Accounts Cited in 3 of 4 Attacks in Education Sector

In 75% of cyberattacks targeting education organizations over the last 12 months, IT and security managers cited compromised on-premises accounts as the cause, according to research from cybersecurity vendor Netwrix.

Tech request worksheet: click to download

6 Suggestions IT Teams Should Ask Teachers When Evaluating Unapproved Technology

When IT teams are evaluating technologies for the classroom, the teacher's perspective shouldn’t be discounted. Teachers have a unique — and likely the best-informed — view of which tools will engage students and which will be distracting.